REACH Gifted Program

  • Welcome to the Sedalia #200 REACH Program webpage.  This program uses curriculum for gifted learners that is specifically designed to challenge academically advanced learners and provide experiences that require critical thinking, problem-solving, independent study skills, communication, and persistence in the face of challenges.  When engaged in high quality gifted services, students will develop their unique abilities, maintain their passion for learning, and have an opportunity to contribute to the strength and vitality of our schools, district and community.  All students placed in REACH are identified using both Sedalia #200 and the MO Department of Gifted Education guidelines. 

REACH Program for 2nd-4th Grade

  • REACH 2-4 Elementary REACH students in grades 2-4, attend a pull-out program one day a week.  Grade level groups are bussed to a central location which houses the gifted program.  The curricular emphasis is accelerated and consists of integrated in-depth units of study, interest, and skills. 

    Activities to promote thinking skills, creativity, research skills, personal and group dynamics, and communication skills are the focus of this program. 

REACH for Middle-Jr. High

  • REACH Jr High Middle School and Jr. High REACH students attend a pull-out program on day a week.  The class is interdisciplinary and designed to address the academic and affective needs of identified gifted students.  Small group opportunities allow students to utilize resources, strategies, equipment and curriculum that are not part of the regular classroom. 


REACH for High School

  • REACH High School REACH targets identified students in grades 9-12 through counseling, advocacy, communication, career guidance, advanced placement programs, dual enrollment, higher education opportunities, MO Scholars Academy and the MO Fine Arts Academy.