- Sedalia School District 200
- Welcome
Welcome to Parkview

About Our School
Welcome to Parkview - a "student centered" school. We are proud to be Parkview Tigers, a feeder school for Smith-Cotton High School and the Smith-Cotton Tigers. Our staff takes great pride in planning learning experiences for our students to be participants in the educational process. Parkview staff members consider themselves facilitators of children's learning by providing them with daily opportunities to express their opinions, to take part in the decision-making process, and to experience success, thus building a confident, responsible student. Parkview Elementary is one of six elementary schools in the Sedalia School District #200. We serve kindergarten through grade four. Parkview is a public school built in 1990 that currently houses approximately 500 students and 60 staff members.
The Parkview Family
works as a team to ENGAGE and INSPIRE all
students to grow and
ACHIEVE success.
Important Information
1901 S. New York Ave.
Sedalia, MO 65301
Phone: 660-826-4947
Fax: 660-829-0873
School begins at 8:00 a.m.
Students can be dropped off after 7:30 a.m.
School dismisses at 3:16 p.m.******************************
Parent/Student Handbook
Click on a link below to view the
Si necesita informacion en Español contacte a Rosario Medinaflores al 660-596-3770 medinafloresr@sedalia200.org
Если Вам нужна эта информация на Русском, пожалуйста свяжитесь Еленой Валеса: 660-221-7474, valesay@sedalia200.org
Breakfast will be provided at no cost forstudents who want to participate.
The price for lunch is $1.75
Extra Milk is .40
Free/Reduced Price Meal Forms
are available upon request.
Parkview's Facebook - @ParkviewElementaryTigers1
Supply Lists
Sedalia 200 supply lists are available online through Teacher Lists. Printed copies also are available at the local Walmart, Staples, Bigs Lots and Woods stores. To find your student's list online:
1. Go to https://www.teacherlists.com/ 2. Click on "Find A List" at the top of the page and search by our ZIP Code, 653013. Click on your child's school.4. Click on your child's grade level/class.Parents have the option to purchase all items from a variety of stores with one click at the top right of the page. While name brands are listed for some items, you are not required to purchase the name-brand version of any item.---Las listas de útiles de Sedalia 200 están disponibles en línea a través de las listas de maestros. También están disponibles en las tiendas locales de Walmart y Staples. Para encontrar la lista de su estudiante en línea:
1. Vaya a https://www.teacherlists.com/
2. Haga clic en "Buscar una lista" en la parte de arriba de la página y busquenos por nuestro código postal, 65301
3. Haga clic en la escuela de su hijo/a.
4. Haga clic en el nivel de grado/clase de su hijo/a.
5. En la parte de arriba donde está en azul, haga clic en En Español
Los padres tienen la opción de comprar todos los artículos en una variedad de tiendas con un clic en la parte superior derecha de la página. Ciertas marcas van a salir pero no es requerido que usted escoja esa marca.