Smith-Cotton High workmark with Tiger



    Mr. Wade Norton, Principal

    Ms. Kendra Barton, Assistant Principal
    Mr. Joseph Doyle, Assistant Principal
    Mr. Jerry Tankersley, Assistant Principal

    2010 Tiger Pride Boulevard
    Sedalia, MO 65301
    660-851-5300 - Fax 660-851-5393

    Gym doors open for students at 7:50 a.m.
    Front doors open at 8:10 a.m.
    School Hours 8:20 a.m. - 3:38 p.m.
    Si necesita comunicarse con alguien en Español pongase en contacto con Tita la traductora de la escuela  660-829-6556 o 
    Если Вам нужна эта информация на Русском, пожалуйста свяжитесь Еленой Валеса: 660-221-7474,

Smith-Cotton Current News/Updates

Student Technology - Chromebooks

Required Immunizations

  • Missouri State Law requires all incoming 12th grade students to receive a MCV (meningococal) vaccination BEFORE beginning the first day of school.  If your student does not have a current immunization record on file in the nurse's office reflecting this vaccination, your student will not be allowed to attend school until the record is on file. Please contact your preferred family physician, Katy Trail Community Health (826-4774) or Pettis County Health (827-1130) to schedule an appointment for your child.

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