Whittier High School - 660-829-4764

  • Whittier Front

    The goal of Whittier High School course of studies is to cultivate responsible citizens who can function in a rapidly changing world. Our program is designed to provide a variety of affective and cognitive experiences. All subject matter is taught in a challenging, highly individualized, family atmosphere while honoring the student’s strengths and personal learning styles. The curriculum will develop student’s perspective regarding the promotion of the value of independent thinking, marketable job skills, problem solving, effective communication, teamwork, interpersonal relations, tolerance, personal integrity, and individual responsibility.

    Si necesita comunicarse con alguien en Español pongase en contacto con Tita la traductora de la escuela  660-460-1272  reedyl@sedalia200.org  
    Если Вам нужна эта информация на Русском, пожалуйста свяжитесь Еленой Валеса: Alona Shershyn 660-281-3401 shershyna@sedalia200.org



  • Enrollment
    If you are interested in attending Whittier, visit with your guidance councelor at Smith-Cotton High School to begin the enrollment process.

    School hours 8:00 a.m. to 2:24 p.m.

Night School----Promoting Academically Successful Student (P.A.S.S)

  • We offer an opportunity for earning a high school diploma through the P.A.S.S (Promoting Academically Successful Students) program.  When there are reasons that a student can no longer attend high school during the day, P.A.S.S. might be an option.

    Classes are all offered through an internet-based program called PLATO.  Core courses are offered and grades awarded based on Smith-Cotton's grading scale.  Students that complete all of the graduation requirements are awarded a diploma from Smith-Cotton and are eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies.

      · P.A.S.S. meets on Tuesday night each week

      · 2 sessions 3:00 - 4:30 and 4:30-6:00

      · All coursework is done via computer

Service Learning

  • Service Learning and Foods Class cooking dinner for Tambo Apartments

    Service Learning is a method of teaching that connects school-based curriculum with the inherent caring and concern young people have for the world - whether within their school, at a local food bank, or in a distant rainforest.When students apply what they are learning in ways that help others, the results are memorable and students will gain lessons that last a lifetime.


    Whittier High School Service Learning partners with many community, national and global organizations including: 

    •   Collecting food for and working at the Open Door Food Pantry

    •   Serving students and teachers at Sedalia elementary schools in a variety of capacities

    •   Raising funds for Pennies for Patients

    •   Providing services for the Center for Human Services and the Sedalia Santa Campaign

    •   Making blankets for the Pettis County Community Partnership to give out at the semi-annual homeless count


  • Whittier SKILLS student at Horace MannStudent Kindling Individuals Learning Leading Success is a collective effort between Whittier High School, Sedalia 200 Elementary schools and the Early Childhood Special Education Coop.  They will develop a collaborative initiative to create a mentoring program for the benefit of each school.  This partnership will create and foster positive relationships between the high school mentors and the elementary/Coop mentees.  Mentors will develop leadership skills while serving as positive role models for the mentees.