- Sedalia School District 200
- Annual K-8 dance clinic
High Voltage
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The Smith-Cotton High Voltage Dance Team plans to host our 20th annual K-8 dance clinic
Sunday Oct 6th
1:00-3:00pm in the SCHS gym
with performance
at 9th gr football game Mon Oct 7th
Registration including t-shirt closes at 8am on Thurs Sept 26th
Dancers can still register after this cutoff but matching t-shirt is not guaranteed.
**Details and FAQ**
- Fee includes clinic instruction, practice video link, t-shirt (if registered by tee order cutoff), & game night entrance fee for performers.
- Please do not return your registration and/or fee to your school. Bring to dance clinic OR pay online through RevTrak (click below!)
Checks are payable to “S-C High Voltage.”
- Dancers should wear comfortable clothing, tennis shoes to the clinic. Check-in starts 12:45p.m.
For performances, jeans/leggings, clinic t-shirt, and tennis shoes are fine (and a smile!).
- Performance at halftime of 9th gr football game Mon Oct 7th
Performance admission for families: Admission to game: adults $5, Sed #200 students free (JH/HS with ID), non-district students $3
- Contact with questions or cancelations: E-mail = scdanceclinic@gmail.com
We have really enjoyed working with dance clinic participants in the past years and hope you'll join us!