- Sedalia School District 200
- Welcome
Smith-Cotton Junior High School
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Ashleigh Noland
Pat Pyle
Assistant Principal
pylep@sedalia200.orgAshley Raetz
Assistant Principal
raetza@sedalia200.orgBrian Foster
Assistant Principal/Assistant Activites Director
fosterb@sedalia200.orgSmith-Cotton Junior High
312 East Broadway
Sedalia, MO 65301
School Hours: 7:30 am - 2:43 pmArrival and Dismissal ProceduresArrival: Buildings will open at 6:55. Students can be dropped off in the back parking lot off of 10th street. Please be sure to pull forward to the drop off line. More directions can be found here. Students will go to their morning grade-level locations if they arrive before 7:30.- 6th Grade: FEMA Gym
- 7th Grade: Main Gym
- 8th Grade: FEMA Cafeteria
Dismissal: Parents can pick up students in the back parking lot off of 10th street or may park at surrounding areas. Please be sure to communicate with your students where you plan to pick them up.Bus routes and numbers are the same as last year, so if your student previously rode the bus and you haven't moved, they will ride the same bus at the same time. If you are unsure of which bus your student will ride and what time they will pick up, please contact the Bus Barn at 660-826-5800.
If you need to notify your student of a change in how they will be picked up, please call the front office at 660-829-6300.
Si necesita información en Español contacte a Maria Martinez-Flores al 660-619-8545 o martinezfloresm@sedalia200.org
Обращайтесь к Ирине Роменской, если Вам нужен переводчик . Тел. 660-473-4588/Эл. адрес: romenskayai@sedalia200.org
Звертайтеся до Ірини Роменської, якщо Вам потрібен перекладач. Тел. 660-473-4588/Ел. адреса: romenskayai@sedalia200.org
Morning student drop-off is allowed in the south parking lot behind the main building or in the south gravel parking lots on 10th street. Students may be dropped off on Massachusetts street once the buses have cleared.
For student safety, students are not to be dropped off in the staff parking lot in the morning. Students walking through the staff parking lot as the staff is entering creates a safety concern.
Nurse Information
MO State Law requires ALL students entering 8th grade to have a current Tdap immunization and current Meningococcal vaccination on file BEFORE they start the school year. Please make arrangements to have these vaccinations administered to your child BEFORE school as your child will not be allowed to attend until they are submitted by the parent to the school nurse. It is the parent's responsiblity to supply that information to the school nurse's office.
Quick Links
- SCJH 2025-2026 Course Description Guide - English
- SCJH 25-26 Course Description Guide - Spanish
- SCJH 25-26 Course Description Guide - Russian
- SCJH 25-26 Course Description Guide - Ukrainian
- SCHS 25-26 Course Description Guide
- Bell Schedules
- 5-17-23 Tdap MCV Consent Form
- Hotspot Application
- Daily Bulletin
- School Menus
- Student Email
- Medical Forms
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events to display.
Supply Lists
Sedalia 200 supply lists are available online through Teacher Lists. Printed copies also are available at the local Walmart, Staples, Bigs Lots and Woods stores. To find your student's list online:
1. Go to https://www.teacherlists.com/ 2. Click on "Find A List" at the top of the page and search by our ZIP Code, 653013. Click on your child's school.4. Click on your child's grade level/class.Parents have the option to purchase all items from a variety of stores with one click at the top right of the page. While name brands are listed for some items, you are not required to purchase the name-brand version of any item.---Las listas de útiles de Sedalia 200 están disponibles en línea a través de las listas de maestros. También están disponibles en las tiendas locales de Walmart y Staples. Para encontrar la lista de su estudiante en línea:
1. Vaya a https://www.teacherlists.com/
2. Haga clic en "Buscar una lista" en la parte de arriba de la página y busquenos por nuestro código postal, 65301
3. Haga clic en la escuela de su hijo/a.
4. Haga clic en el nivel de grado/clase de su hijo/a.
5. En la parte de arriba donde está en azul, haga clic en En Español
Los padres tienen la opción de comprar todos los artículos en una variedad de tiendas con un clic en la parte superior derecha de la página. Ciertas marcas van a salir pero no es requerido que usted escoja esa marca.